Groups All Groups 3,544 Order By: Last Active Most Members Newly Created Alphabetical Viewing 3,441 - 3,460 of 3,544 groups ← 1 … 172 173 174 … 178 → FAMiLY-iD PRAYER active 9 years, 10 months ago The purpose of this group is to provide spiritual encouragement through prayer for its members. WRITE IT OUT – LIVE IT OUT – PRAYOUT | | Step-By-Step Instructions to create your family’s PRAYER-iD page Public Group / 5 members True North Ministries active 9 years, 11 months ago The purpose of this group is to offer spiritual encouragement through prayer for its members. Private Group / 2 members Bank 2 active 9 years, 11 months ago Employees of Bank 2 May Leave Prayer Requests, PrayOut’s and Answered Prayers Here. Private Group / 1 member PrayOut 4 PrayOut active 9 years, 12 months ago Record PrayOut’s for our team members by first name in this group. Our team members are Scott, Dennis, Mark, Michael and Josh. We are deeply grateful. Public Group / 4 members Annis Lane – Calling all Prayer Warriors active 10 years ago Per Annis’s prayer request on Facebook… Calling all prayers warriors: I went back to the Cancer Center this morning for a recheck on my blood levels and found my immunity is mostly nonexistent. Ron and I are […] Private Group / 1 member Prayers for Government Leaders active 10 years ago Public Group / 5 members New York City Eph. 4:13 active 10 years ago PRAYOUT CITY SITES are to be named after any city in the world. The purpose of a City Site is to gather at least 10,000 PrayOuts each year for the body of Christ within that metropolitan area. The goal of these […] Public Group / 2 members San Antonio Eph. 4:13 active 10 years ago PRAYOUT CITY SITES are to be named after any city in the world. The purpose of a City Site is to gather at least 10,000 PrayOuts each year for the body of Christ within that metropolitan area. The goal of these […] Public Group / 1 member San Bernadino CA Eph. 4:13 active 10 years ago PRAYOUT CITY SITES are to be named after any city in the world. The purpose of a City Site is to gather at least 10,000 PrayOuts each year for the body of Christ within that metropolitan area. The goal of these […] Public Group / 1 member Richmond VA Eph. 4:13 active 10 years, 1 month ago PRAYOUT CITY SITES are to be named after any city in the world. The purpose of a City Site is to gather at least 10,000 PrayOuts each year for the body of Christ within that metropolitan area. The goal of these […] Public Group / 1 member Boise City ID Eph. 4:13 active 10 years, 1 month ago PRAYOUT CITY SITES are to be named after any city in the world. The purpose of a City Site is to gather at least 10,000 PrayOuts each year for the body of Christ within that metropolitan area. The goal of these […] Public Group / 1 member Fremont CA Eph. 4:13 active 10 years, 1 month ago PRAYOUT CITY SITES are to be named after any city in the world. The purpose of a City Site is to gather at least 10,000 PrayOuts each year for the body of Christ within that metropolitan area. The goal of these […] Public Group / 1 member North Las Vegas Eph. 4:13 active 10 years, 1 month ago PRAYOUT CITY SITES are to be named after any city in the world. The purpose of a City Site is to gather at least 10,000 PrayOuts each year for the body of Christ within that metropolitan area. The goal of these […] Public Group / 1 member Scottsdale AZ Eph. 4:13 active 10 years, 1 month ago PRAYOUT CITY SITES are to be named after any city in the world. The purpose of a City Site is to gather at least 10,000 PrayOuts each year for the body of Christ within that metropolitan area. The goal of these […] Public Group / 1 member Irving TX Eph. 4:13 active 10 years, 1 month ago PRAYOUT CITY SITES are to be named after any city in the world. The purpose of a City Site is to gather at least 10,000 PrayOuts each year for the body of Christ within that metropolitan area. The goal of these […] Public Group / 1 member Baton Rouge LA Eph. 4:13 active 10 years, 1 month ago PRAYOUT CITY SITES are to be named after any city in the world. The purpose of a City Site is to gather at least 10,000 PrayOuts each year for the body of Christ within that metropolitan area. The goal of these […] Public Group / 1 member Gilbert AZ Eph. 4:13 active 10 years, 1 month ago PRAYOUT CITY SITES are to be named after any city in the world. The purpose of a City Site is to gather at least 10,000 PrayOuts each year for the body of Christ within that metropolitan area. The goal of these […] Public Group / 1 member Chesapeake VA Eph. 4:13 active 10 years, 1 month ago PRAYOUT CITY SITES are to be named after any city in the world. The purpose of a City Site is to gather at least 10,000 PrayOuts each year for the body of Christ within that metropolitan area. The goal of these […] Public Group / 1 member Reno NV Eph. 4:13 active 10 years, 1 month ago PRAYOUT CITY SITES are to be named after any city in the world. The purpose of a City Site is to gather at least 10,000 PrayOuts each year for the body of Christ within that metropolitan area. The goal of these […] Public Group / 1 member Hialeah FL Eph. 4:13 active 10 years, 1 month ago PRAYOUT CITY SITES are to be named after any city in the world. The purpose of a City Site is to gather at least 10,000 PrayOuts each year for the body of Christ within that metropolitan area. The goal of these […] Public Group / 1 member Viewing 3,441 - 3,460 of 3,544 groups ← 1 … 172 173 174 … 178 →